Post 8 : Boot Into Mountain Lion 10.8.2

Plug in your ML2 usb drive in usb 2.0 port of your system(usb 3.0 don't always work)
OR Insert your ML2 DVD media in DVD Drive. Restart Your System.If all goes well, your system will boot into ML2  instead of booting from normal hard drive. You will then be able to watch the Mac OS X menu.

If you do not manage to reach the Mac OS X menu, check your motherboard's BIOS
settings to make sure that the changes you made in  were properly applied.

If they were, but you still cannot boot from ML2, go back to post on  (Creating bootable media if using  Mac or Windows) and try again with a different USB drive or dual layer DVD.

At the Mac OS X menu, select the name of your ML2 USB drive/DVD, by using the
left/right arrow keys on your keyboard, and then press the enter key (or return key)
to start the OS X Mountain Lion installer.

In the worst case scenarios, instead of loading the Mac OS X installer, you may
end up at a dark gray screen that tells you to restart your computer (a kernel
panic), or you may end up with a small crossed-out sign (a loading error). If you
get a kernel panic/loading error (or if the Mac OS X installer simply won't start
within 10 to 15 minutes), you'll need to enter some boot flags.

- To enter boot flags, manually restart your computer by pressing your computer's
power button. Then, once you've booted back into the Mac OS X menu, try typing any
necessary boot flags before pressing the enter/return key. For  example
( PCIRootUID=0 and -x are two popular boot flags)


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